Geometry/Topology Seminar

Thursdays at 3:00PM, in 308 Eckhart.

Winter 2003

(Go to Spring 2003.)

January 8, 4:00pm Eckhart 206 (Geometric Langlands and Algebraic Geometry)
Eckhard Meinrenken, Toronto
Symplectic structures on the moduli spaces of flat connections

January 9, 4:30pm Eckhart 206 (Geometric Langlands and Algebraic Geometry)
Eckhard Meinrenken, Toronto
Verlinde formulas as fixed point formulas

January 16,
Tara Brendle, Cornell University
Relations in the Torelli Group

January 20, 4:00pm Ryerson 251 (Namboodiri Lectures)
Curt McMullen, Harvard University
Islands on K3 surfaces

January 21, 4:30pm Eckhart 206 (Namboodiri Lectures)
Curt McMullen, Harvard University
Random lattices and the square root of n mod 1

January 22, 4:00pm Ryerson 251 (Namboodiri Lectures)
Curt McMullen, Harvard University

January 23,
No seminar

January 30, Eckhart 308 at 3:00
Ivan Dynnikov, Moscow State University
Recognizing the unknot by using a monotone reduction

January 31, Eckhart 202 at 1:30 (Special day!)
Bruno Klingler, Yale University
On the arithmeticity of some complex hyperbolic lattices and fake projective planes

February 3, Eckhart 207 at 1:30 (Special day!)
Laurent Bartholdi, University of California at Berkeley

February 6, Eckhart 308 at 3:00
Paul Schupp, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Generic-case complexity and decision problems in group theory

February 11, Eckhart 203 at 4:30 (Special day!) (Algebraic Topology)
Stephan Stolz, University of Notre Dame
The spinor bundle on the free loop space

February 13, Eckhart 308 at 3:00
Michael Entov, Technion
Commutator length of symplectomorphisms

February 20, Eckhart 308 at 3:00
Joan Birman, Columbia University
Stabilization in the braid groups

February 26, (Special Day) Eckhart 206 at 1:30
Lee Mosher, Rutgers Newark
Train track expansions of measured foliations, Part I

February 27, Eckhart 308 at 3:00
Lee Mosher, Rutgers Newark
Train track expansions of measured foliations, Part II

March 4, (Special Day) Eckhart 202 at 1:30
Peter Storm, University of Michigan
Minimal volume hyperbolic metrics on acylindrical 3-manifolds

March 6, Eckhart 308 at 3:00
Juan Souto, Universität Bonn
A criterion for the tameness of hyperbolic 3-manifolds

March 10, Eckhart 207 at 1:45
T. Januszkiewicz, Wroclaw

March 10, Eckhart 202 at 3:00
D. Crowley, U. Chicago and Penn State

March 11, Eckhart 202 at 1:30
A. Dranishnikov, Florida

March 11, Eckhart 202 at 2:30
W. Lueck, Muenster

March 11, Eckhart 202 at 3:30
H. Reich, Muenster

March 12, The Barn at 10:30
S. Ferry, Rutgers

March 12, The Barn at 11:30
J. Lott, Michigan

March 12, Eckhart 206 at 1:45
M. Farber, Tel Aviv

March 12, Eckhart 202 at 3:00
S. Smale, U. Chicago and Berkeley

March 13, Eckhart 202 at 1:30
B. Okun, Milwaukee

March 13, Eckhart 202 at 2:20
J. Block, Penn

March 13, Eckhart 308 at 3:30 (Regular G/T seminar at an unusual time!)
Bill Goldman, University of Maryland
The Complex-Symplectic structure of moduli spaces and projective structures

March 14, The Barn at 10:30
A. Zuk, U. Chicago

March 14, The Barn at 11:30
S. Chang, Wellesley

March 18, Eckhart 202 at 3:00 (Special Day)
Michael Larsen, Indiana University
How often is 84(g-1) achieved?

March 20,
No seminar

For questions, contact